Removing Rust Stains from Your Sinks, Tubs, and Toilets

Mar 28, 2022 | Home Tips | 0 comments

There’s few things harder to remove than rust stains that develop in sinks, tubs, and toilets. But don’t worry – there are plenty of ways to remove those pesky rust stains! Rust stains are a common problem in many homes, but they don’t have to be. With a little elbow grease, you can get your porcelain looking like new.

What Causes Rust Stains?

We all know the telltale signs of rust stains: orange or brown streaks on our clothing, tubs, and sinks. But what causes these unsightly marks? Rust is an oxidized form of iron, and it can occur when iron comes into contact with water or oxygen. In most cases, rust occurs when metal comes into contact with water and oxygen. Over time, the water breaks down the metal, causing it to discolor.

Whatever the cause, rust stains are difficult to remove and can be a real nuisance. Here are some methods you can try at home to remove rust stains from porcelain.

Lemon Juice and Salt

Cleaning rust metal can be a difficult task. However, using lemon juice and salt is an easy way to get the job done. Begin by preparing a thick mixture of lemon juice and salt, when mixed together they make a paste that can be applied to the rusty surface and scrubbed clean. Allow the paste to dry for several hours or overnight before beginning to scrape.

Pumice Stone

Pumice is a natural stone porous material that absorbs the rust and cleans it away. It’s easy to use, just wet the stone and lightly rub it over the rust stain. The stone will turn black as it absorbs the rust, so rinse it off well when you’re done. It’s ideal for scrubbing off rust and corrosion.

Scrubbing Pad

Just soak them in white vinegar for a few minutes, then scrub away! The vinegar will break down the rust while the scrubbing pad helps remove it from the surface. So next time you have a pesky rust stain to deal with, give scrubbing pads a try. Rust stains can be removed from sinks, tubs, and toilets using a variety of methods. The experts at your local Tap 2 Drain Plumbing can not only help you install new fixtures, but they can also help you stop the problem at its source.

Call Tap 2 Drain

From clogged drains to leaking toilets and so much more, Tap 2 Drain Plumbing ensures your household plumbing and heating systems are running smoothly. Serving the Lower Mainland since 2007, our customers appreciate our responsive, expert care and reasonable rates. Book your appointment and get a quote!