The Ultimate Guide To Septic Tank Maintenance

Aug 27, 2021 | Home Tips | 0 comments

Getting caught with a damaged or backed-up septic tank stinks. Thankfully, with proper septic tank maintenance, you can extend the life of your system and stop money from going down the drain. So, what are some ways you can take care of your septic system? Here are a few tips and how-to’s to get you started

Know What You’re Putting Into Your Septic Tank

Imagine a typical day at home with the family. You wake up, brew a pot of coffee and enjoy breakfast in the dining room. After breakfast, the dishes meet the dishwasher and the kids meet the shower, but what happens to the food scraps, coffee grounds and bacon grease? Do they meet the garbage or garburator?

If you rely on a septic system, it’s best to limit the amount of waste that enters the septic system. To keep your septic system healthy, it’s a good idea to:

  • Keep coffee grinds, food scraps, grease and cooking oils out of the drains;
  • Flush only wastewater and dissolvable toilet paper down the toilet;
  • Avoid or limit the use of toxic or hazardous chemicals, such as bleach, disinfectants, drain cleaner and laundry detergent high in phosphates;
  • Use toilet cleaners marked as safe for septic;
  • Fix leaky faucets;
  • Only plant grass over your septic field as roots can damage the pipes.

Use Water Wisely

Septic tank maintenance doesn’t just mean pumping the tank. Each laundry cycle, dishwasher load and shower diverts grey water (used household water) to your septic tank. Ideally, use appliances that favour water conservation and only run the washer and dishwasher when you have a full load. 

If you have a hot tub or pool, don’t drain it into your septic tank. The high volume of water can push suspended solids through the tank before they settle at the bottom.

Know When To Pump Your Septic Tank

For proper septic tank maintenance, have your tank inspected every two years and pumped every three in B.C. Frequent pumping of your septic tank helps mitigate the risk for pollution through harmful bacteria and solid waste leaching into the drain field. 

If you start to notice that your drains are clogged, the kitchen sink is draining slowly or noticing any foul odours, it might be time to pump your septic tank. 

  • While you should never attempt to clean the septic tank yourself, as noxious gases that live in your tank pose a serious risk to your health, you can safely perform a visual inspection. 
  • With gloves and safety goggles, find the access port and take a look. If the sludge is more than 1/3 full, it’s ready to be pumped. 

Septic system maintenance is often compared to vehicle maintenance. With only a little time and effort, you can easily extend the life of your septic system and avoid costly repairs. If you’ve had your septic tank pumped and still have lines that need cleaning, give us a call. At Tap 2 Drain, our Nice Guy plumbers never overcharge, always come prepared, and treat your home like it’s their own. Reach out to Tap 2 Drain at 1-866-918-241 or contact us online.